Aims of the society

The aims for which the Society has been established are enumerated in the Memorandum of Association. Briefly, they are
  • To admit Muslim orphan and destitute children under a set of rules, regulations and procedures framed for this purpose
  • To provide suitable accommodation, meals and clothing to the admitted children
  • To impart Islamic religious training and education as well as literary, scientific and technical education to the inmates to enable them to lead respectable lives as responsible adults and well adjusted members of society
  • To inculcate in the children a sense of belonging to the Muslim Ummah in particular and society in general and to enable them, through education and vocational guidance, to lead productive and dignified lives
  • To care for the health of the inmates and to provide full medical facilities
To achieve these ends, the Memorandum of Association further permits the Society to
  • Raise funds by levying fees on admission to the Membership of the Society
  • To accept any bequest, gift, donation, aid or grant from any private source or Government or Semi-Government body or another Society, Association, Company or Corporation and to pro-actively pursue the raising of funds from these or other sources.
  • To invest the raised funds in accordance with the decisions of the Society and to apply the income arising out of this investment or the capital amount itself for the achievement of the objectives of the Society
  • To construct buildings or other structures on the premises of the Society for the residential or educational requirements of the inmates or for commercial utilization
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